Monday, March 17, 2008

Blink: : Trust your instincts if you have the experience and expertise

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is about how decisions taken instinctively can at times be better than those taken with a lot of thought. The author's argument is that in crunch times we discard all irrelevant information and concentrate only on solving the task at hand. The author coins two new terms 'blink' and the act of 'thin slicing'. The author does not substantiate his premise with a good theory, but rather resorts to a series of anecdotes, which sometimes seem contradictory and sometimes irrelevant to the matter under discussion (the author forgot to thin slice his ideas!!). The book is a good example of how not to propound radical ideas.

The basic message of the book is this: Trust your instincts if you have the experience and expertise, else you are better off trying to think hard.

1 comment:

Tushar said...

So you don't seem to like it.Thanks in advance as I can use my free time reading something useful instead:)..btw have you tried goodreads? I am too lazy creating a profile there but it seems to be a good one.